Friday, 25 December 2015

Production Filming Photographs

A shot of three of the main characters in the filming location (full costume and make up):

Shots of the props in the filming location:

Production Stills Album: (x)

All shots taken by me (Mariam).

Monday, 7 December 2015

Weather Graph for Shooting Days 1-5

This is a graph that shows the change in temperature over the course of the day for the 14th of December 2015, which is our first day of shooting. Winter Solstice occurred on the 22nd.

For the following few days we reviewed the footage we shot on the first day, evaluated where we made errors in terms of equipment (handling, positioning, angles), preparation time (how long it took us to prepare props, transport, members in order to take off), level of organisation (the plan and structure of the day), distribution of equipment, time of day (whether it would be better to film in broad daylight or during golden hours), transport of cast members, exact filming location, and financial matters (who brings along how much money for props and vehicles).

After we made amendments to the overall plan and reduced difficulties, we planned for the second day of shooting to take place on December 18:

Third day of shooting (December 19):

Fourth day of shooting (December 20):

Fifth and final day of shooting (December 21):

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Communication & Preparation for Day 1-5

Planning & Preparation

Our original filming date had to be pushed back as weather forecasts predicted heavy rain in that period, which was a significant problem as our filming location is very far and all shots are to be filmed in an external setting. 

Therefore I checked weather forecasts for our filming dates which I will post later on and made adjustments to the time and day of the scheduled shooting days as we understand that even the smallest details such as weather conditions and time of day can convey very different moods to the audience and we are very particular about the aesthetics of our film opening. The first shooting day will be on the 14th of December 2015. Then all group members will take a break till the 18th to review the footage individually as well as in a group session afterwards. We will also film on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of December.

To sum it up:

Day 1 - December 14
Day 2 - December 18
Day 3 - December 19
Day 4 - December 20
Day 5 - December 21

We plan on meeting at Pablo's house very early in the morning and transport is arranged from there to Sealine Resort, where we will check in then proceed to set up our equipment at the desert location. 

This time of day was chosen as the film opening is meant to have warm, bright and vibrant colouring to reflect the action-packed thrilling genre of the film. Any rain or dim sunlight could have conveyed a more grim, melancholic mood which is not our intended atmosphere.

Equipment and props will be handled carefully and delicately in large, spacious vehicles with heavy cushioning to prevent any damage (excluding my camera, most of the equipment such as the GoPros, Canon 70D and tripods are borrowed from the school).

Transport is arranged by Pablo. Check-in is arranged by a cast member. Equipment is handled by Mariam. Every crew member is expected to bring their own money to finance the large set of quad bikes needed for the film, as well as for eating arrangements. 

They will be long days of shooting, therefore all members must be properly fed and hydrated considering the extremely hot weather conditions and the desert location.

This applies to all 5 days of shooting.

Proof of communication between group members is presented below. Unfortunately, we were unable to start a group chat due to complications therefore I had to message every group member individually.

Confirmation with Jack:

Confirmation with Nikita:

Confirmation with Pablo:

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Production Schedule

Shot List

Jack, Nikita, Pablo and I have planned exactly 43 shots split into 5 sections due to the complexity of the shots and the setting, which will be shot in 5 consecutive days. 

We will be visiting the desert setting a day before we shoot so as to set up props and equipment and get accustomed to the location.

Below are several screenshots of the shot list detailing the number of shots, how long each shot will last, the type of shots, a brief description of the events taking place in the shot, as well as the date the scene will be shot.

The specific duration of each shot has not been decided upon as of yet, therefore we set each shot to last exactly 4 seconds until further changes are made.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Production Company Design Logo

After much speculation on which logo to choose, this one has been selected. 

The following logo has been designed by Jack over the course of a few hours.

Below is a screenshot of the production company design logo as well as a video to display the animation effects utilised for it.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

BBFC Ratings

After a group discussion with Jack, Pablo and Nikita, we have concluded that the film opening meets the BBFC criteria for "15 - Suitable only for 15 years over" based on the latest BBFC Classification Guidelines (2014).

This is based on 8 different components which I will elaborate on below:
  • Discrimination: There will be no discriminatory language, themes or behaviour of any sorts explicitly or implicitly depicted or endorsed in our film opening. 
  • Drugs: Our film opening will not encourage or promote drug misuse. There will be no displays of drugs aside from a character smoking a  cigar/cigarette.
  • Imitable behaviour: There will be dangerous behaviour involved including jumping and the wielding of katanas but this will not be lingered on.
  • Language: There will be very little to no strong language used in our film opening.
  • Nudity: There will be no nudity displayed in our film opening. 
  • Sex: There will be no sexual activity portrayed or referenced in our film opening.
  • Threat: There will be no focus on sadistic, sexual or psychological threats of any sorts in our film opening.
  • Violence: There will be strong violence displayed in our film opening including cuts, injuries and general infliction of pain but this will not be dwelled on. No strong gory images or sadistic violence will be depicted.

Here is a screenshot of the "15" rating criteria:

Costume/props planning

All props displayed below were made by Nikita. 

This will be used in our film opening as we put a heavy emphasis on the use of props, including weapons, costumes, the props shown below, and vehicles. 

This will help the audience clearly visualise the post-apocalyptic element of the film opening.

These props have been inspired by films such as Mad Max and the Star Wars series. We think using handmade props enhances the film's overall appeal and adds a realistic touch to the film opening. 

The props have all been made with the desert theme in mind.