Monday, 21 September 2015

Evaluation (Preliminary Task Pt. 5)

As far as camera work, one thing that could be improved on is the variety of shots and film techniques, e.g. more over-the-shoulder shots, utilising the 180 degree rule, less shot/reverse shots since a large number of those have been used in the film.

For editing, some shots of the film did not flow well together thus the cutting seemed abrupt. This could be fixed by doing more takes to choose the best shot, then spending more time on editing to make the continuity smoother.

Due to a limited amount of props, time as well as lack of a suitable setting, the outcome was not as professional as expected. However, since the next project allows us a wider range of locations, props and time, this will not be a problem.

Sound editing for the video is suitable and cohesive.

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