Thursday, 7 January 2016

Plot Summary

Distribute the goods. Get out in one piece. That's the transporters' goal.

But a team of snipers have other plans... Will they make it out alive?

*According to Wikipedia, a plot summary should be concise and have the right amount of detail without being too long or too short as both are equally unhelpful to the reader. The writer needs to be careful and selective in what information should be included and excluded. The main of the plot summary is not to detail the events or represent the emotional impact of our work, but rather simply explain the events, especially if the story is experimental or original. 

Our summary clearly explains the main plot branch or event taking place: conflict between two opposing forces and the battle that ensues. It is brief and concise to add an element of thrill to emphasise the element of a "heart pounding, adrenaline-releasing ride" so vital in action movies to entice the viewer. Post-apocalyptic action movies tend to have short taglines or plot summaries in comparison to other emotionally-invested genres like drama or romance. The curt abruptness of the sentence reflects the 'hit-and-run' sense notable in our film opening. The ellipses add a hint of mystery without being too vague.

One convention often employed in post-apocalyptic action movie summaries is subverted in ours in the sense that the genre tends to add character names/actor names in the plot summary to either flaunt or focus on the main character which is often a 'lone wolf' who can hold their own. Our film opening deviates from this as there is no specific character mentioned since we have a wide range of characters and there is a subtle inclination towards 'running in packs' instead of being the lone wolf.

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